
When 6 packs meet...er?

Pheww..just back from 2 hours of movie. Guess what? i never expected i will walk into the cinema and watch New Moon.
no further explain is needed, everyone know New Moon, everyone know Stephenie Meyer. It's not just books and movies, it's a phenomena.

actually i am not a big fan of Twilight series(no offence).But i cant find a reason to hate it.well, is neutral i guess.=)

after this movie was lauched last month, Taylor gain lots of fans. omg! the six packs!Taylor is only 17 and he act much more mature than his age. now i know why he could attract more attention than RP.because he doesn't have chocolate bars.no offence to his fans. i don't even remember what i did when i was 17, kidding around maybe.and he is transforming to animal in movie.yeng!

people do compare after the movie between Edward's and Jacob's. i asked my friends , 'who you'll choose base on the body?' 'of course Jacob lar! so obviously he got the REAL six packs.'

tons of movies are on when the calendar hits november and they are waiting in the list to fill my bore holidays!

P/S: my friend think Dr.Cullen is handsome-ier than his son.

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