
Week 2

Nah. not counting maternal term ni. haha!

i've been through 2nd week of this semester. Which I am glad that I can get through from sem 1. with a lousy result. super low cGPA.

My gang in the course was went from 5 to 4. And on monday the 5th ppl will back from boredom to class. Finally he is approved for passing.and the uni earn another extra rm500 for few ticks in remark papers.

I learnt from my mistake in passed sem.
1. Didn't study for 200%.
2. Thought I am that kind of smart ass.
3. and actually I am lousy.
4. Not concentrate enough. Too many in-class outing . Either mentally or physically.

I stated some of my goals for this sem. Which later i gonna practice it.
1. Study everything and don't care about tips or whatsoever.
2. Don't go out too much between classes. cz most of the times we never reach uni in time after that and have to skipped it.

And thanks to my mum for not nagging me , and didn't scold me for low cGPA.
  I will promise you that I will pay 200% will and goodness into my studies. So your investment is worth for it and I 'll make you proud when I toss my square hat up to the blue sky.

To everyone out there who are struggling to survive in new semester/trimester like I do:
We gonna get through all of these!

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. Have you all did your CNY shopping yet?
I gonna do the 2nd round in next week.

p/s: can't wait to meet my friends.


Sorry That I Loved You



[欢迎光临!] 门口的铃铛在顾客进来的时候响了一下。



[看什么那么入神啊,旭? ……你的前女友?] 穆木拍了拍他的肩膀,向店里望去。



[你爱她吗?] 穆木点点头。




[你要怎么送啊?当面啊?别犯规呀!] 穆木大喊。旭老早跑到对面去了。

[伪装不就好了吗。] 他说。


[叮铃!] 店门被推开。


[小姐,有人叫我送花来这个地址。] 花店店员把一大束的太阳花递给她。

[噢。谢谢。] 店员礼貌地笑笑以后就离开了。













