I only trained with them for about a month or so.
Probably the biggest achievement of my life so far...as we won 1st runner up in cheerleading for IMU cup!
This is the first and last medal that I could ever own from a sport event.
I am not a sport person, I can't jog and run, can't swim, can't play table tennis, basketball, netball and all others.
Cheerleading is the only sport I love.
Before I join this team, I always pay them visit during their training sessions. I really feel grateful that I could have the second chance to join this team and compete for Draco house once again. Practically, Christina and Ee Von are like my fairy godladies because they make my dreams come true.
Even though I join this team quite last minute as in A MONTH AGO, I scare I couldn't bond well with my team mates. But actually that is an unnecessary concern because turns out we bonded quite well actually.
Ivan, me, Zaidah and Philip (My stunt team-Team Cullen)
Before the announcement of results, we actually been informed that we probably get 4th place. (same as last year) first thing I thought is we are jinxed because last year we also perform as the fourth team turns out we get fourth place. fck. so I thought this year too. we get fourth..after all the hardwork, sweat and tears and people's face been kicked..I cried.
Turns out everything is a prank. from our coach.
but still , we were all holding hand together and pray that we really score a chance to be on top 3, when the emcee announced that DRACO is on 1st runner up.
I jumped up and scream like nobody business.
I cried. (again).
and I cursed in my heart. fuck, i really win something this time.omg i gonna walk on that stage.
the coach-Chiaki and us
yoyo...congratulation :)
thank you thank you
I want to stand up there too.
Like what you did. :)
stand up whr? u mean like last photo a? scary shit la that one. lol
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